Tuesday, October 18, 2011

10 months and 10 days...

10 months and 10 days old
As Ashley takes her afternoon nap, I wanted to update what she's currently doing.  She is sooooo close to walking....I think if she would just let go she would take off.  It's terrifying! 
She just learned to shake her head no...and she means just that.  She loves doing it, it's funny to watch her hanging out with herself and practicing her headshake. 
She is also doing this hilarious face that makes her look like such a snotty little kid...and when her dad makes it back at her it's pretty obvious where it came from! 
She's pointing at specific things...especially the animals on the wall in the living room.  Dada has spent quite a bit of time teaching her what's what!
Still not saying Mama the way she says Dada.  Only when she's crying, which is a little depressing!
At Lori's baby shower she was the hit of the show.  Everyone said they couldn't believe how good she is, she got passed around while Mommy and Aunt Mandi helped Aunt Lori open presents and keep everything straight.  Darlene, our neighbor, even came over the next day to say what a great little kiddo she is.  And she's right!  We feel so lucky, even on the nights (like last night when she woke up every hour) when she keeps me up all night!

Monday, October 17, 2011

October 17, 2011

It's been forever since I've posted.  I've had lots of changes, lots of new possibilities lately, and my little girl is sooooooo big!
Lori's baby shower was this weekend, and it was wonderful.  Mandi Wick is the best co-host ever, and Lisa Cummings did the most amazing food, I can't even begin to describe it.  Photos here:

Jonathan and I have been thinking of making some changes...but no description yet til we make an actual decision.  It could be exciting though!

And as for work, I've decided to take a little step back, focus on the Big Hole Valley solely, and really concentrate on Ashley, my family, and myself.  I can't wait!

My pretty girl, sideways!