Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Ashley is doing her best to walk.  She pulls herself up on EVERYTHING....I think if Jill or Ella would hold still she would even try on them.  I am praying daily that she doesn't do it a)when I'm at work (I mean, she crawled at Desi's...I only go to work 1 or two days a week...just hold off til I get home, kiddo!) or b)before her dad gets home from his fire assignment in Phillipsburg. 
Ashley's favorite person, I think, is Kaden Krist.  They have so much fun together.  He's almost 6 months old (born March 4, 2011), and is almost sitting up on his own, rolling around quite a bit, and wanting more than anything to do things with his friend Ashley.  On Monday Ericka brought him over and Ashley took the opportunity to take a bite out of his foot.
A little on me...I am finally feeling like a human being.  The thyroid problem I have been having for the past 10 years has finally been addressed, and my doc and I are working on my dosage.  I have also changed the way I eat in a major way...paleo here I am.  I am really enjoying it, though my sweet tooth attacks me every once in a while and it's a huge struggle.  But, I've been walking a ton and am starting to drop some lb's...it's pretty great!  I plan on continuing, and hope that I stay on track!

Can someone please tell me why my photos are always the wrong way?
Snort Face

with her dog Jill

Daddy hard at work

Mommy and Ashley hard at play!

Ashley's puppies

Sweet girl with her sock monkey

Thursday, August 25, 2011

August 25, 2011

As August comes to a close (I can't believe it), I've been thinking about the summer and how different this one has been from any other summer of my life.  I mean, duh Katey, of course it's different, you have a baby...that's what you're thinking, I'm sure.  But, no matter what people say or tell you, you simply don't realize how much a baby changes your life, for the better....it's simply the best. 
I've never really LOVED what I do for work, never really had a passion for a career like some do, and I've tried every job under the sun it seems like sometimes.  I do enjoy selling real estate, because I love helping people get what they want, explaining to them what's going on, the ins and outs of a transaction.  But it's not something I'm passionate about, by any means. 
6 months preggo
I do however, love being a mother.  I truly feel as though I finally found the career I've been searching for in my adult life (and to think I only had to carry it around for nine months and have major surgery for it!) 
I love cataloguing and experiencing her changes right along with her, I love her snuggles, when she grins while she's sleeping, reading books with her, helping her stand up, walk, eat...I love making her food and seeing what she likes or doesn't like, taking her on walks, and watching other people react to her because she is SUCH A HAPPY CHILD. 
I never in a million years thought I would have this much fun as a mom...it was always this vague "in the future" thing to me, never something I spent a lot of time thinking about.  I mean, I think I always knew I wanted to have children, and especially after meeting Jonathan I knew that I would love to be a parent with him, but I wasn't planning on having one for a while longer.  And now that she's here...how many times have you heard "I can't remember life before (s)he was in it".  That is the truest sentiment I've ever known, now that I've lived it. 
Thank you, Ashley, for helping me find my calling. 
And it begins...

8 months old.
Why does Blogger turn my photos?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August 23, 2011

I'm sitting here watching my girl in her jumperoo...amazed at how big she is, and I remembered this video from her first time in it.  I can't believe how vocal she is now, and how much more interested in all of the toys attached to it...She's such a bouncy big girl!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Our girl learns to crawl!

We are in so much trouble now...
August 15, 2011, Ashley finally gets crawling...as in, she's no longer only scooting backwards, rolling and shoving, and monkeying from place to place.  She always got to her destination, now it's just that much faster!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Oops...forgot this one!

Martin's 70th birthday video...


Almost three teeth...two fully in on the bottom front, one coming in on the top right.  At this rate, she's going to have a full mouth of teeth in about two weeks.

Ashley just mastered laying down to sitting.  She is now doing it over and over again to get my reaction.  LOVE IT.  We're still not crawling forwards, but she is SO close to doing that too...last night she went about two feet then collapsed.  She can, however, make it anywhere she wants to go by rolling over, pushing off with her heels, then rolling again.  It might be roundabout, but she gets there! 
When she finally gets the crawl, I fear for my sanity...she already gets into everything just rolling!  We're off for a bike ride in the cool weather, hoping everyone else is having a great day too!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Two teeth!  She's changing so dang fast...
My gorgeous, skeeter bitten little girl...

Ashley waves!

Ashley can wave.  Hello and goodbye.  It's awesome!